At every level Overture is supporting and informing the complex decisions businesses need to make for densification in the 5G era.
Our clients use Overture in many different ways from strategy teams making the business case for network expansion, to engineers designing solutions to increase capacity. Find out how Overture can help you:
For business strategy teams
Modern HetNet design involves complex combinations of technologies – cellular, WiFi, physical, virtualised and more. Cost effective and optimal performance requires sophisticated modelling that enables service providers to assess accurately the tactical, strategic and commercial implications of specific combinations in particular contexts.
Making a business case for increasing capacity or delivering densification for 5G networks needs to be based not on assumptions, but real data and analysis of the costs and outcomes. Overture de-risks business plans by providing assurance on the accuracy of network design.
Accurate data for budgets and financial planning
Modelling real-world scenarios
Evaluate different network solutions /WiFi/small cells/LTE/macro towers etc
De-risks investment decisions
Informs densification strategy and timelines
For technical strategy teams
How to future proof technology decisions? Which combinations of technologies provide optimal coverage, capacity and ROI – not just today, but into the future? To what extent will planning and regulatory considerations impact your ability to deploy what’s needed when it’s needed? What levels of SON and orchestration technologies are required to control the various technology combinations under consideration? These are complex questions to which the answers can help sink or select a given technical strategy. And Overture can leverage real world data to speed and inform the decision-making process.
Design and model networks to create 5G strategies and densification roadmaps
Access the most accurate and up to date granular usage data for any location on the planet
Use precise data to model practical solutions to technical network capacity issues
Ensure network design leverages the optimal combinations of technologies to provide the best possible performance, ROI and future roadmap.
For engineers
Design and implementation of modern HetNets involves increasingly complex combinations of technologies, some of which can interfere with each other, resulting in reduced speed and capacity. With 5G on the horizon, Overture offers the most accurate modelling of technologies in real-world scenarios, allowing you to evaluate the performance of technologies before they are installed.
Evaluate siting and technology designs before implementation
Model, design and evaluate quicker with Overture to meet tight deadlines
Create accurate, real world models using the most up-to-date granular usage data available
Avoid interference with complex technology combinations
Provide assurance on the outcomes of network plans
Networks designed by Overture
News & Events
Iris Barcia is appointed as a Member of 5G Wales Advisory Board